
Showing posts from October, 2005
Setting Up Adsense in Blogger! As you reading this, I'm earning from Adsense+Blogger. How do I do it? Here's a few simple steps to follow: Step 1: Point your browser to to register an account if you haven't! Step 2: After you have your account, login and create a blog (any blog of your choice)! Goto `Template` tab (figure 1.0). figure 1.0 Then go for `Adsense` sub tab (figure 1.1). figure 1.1 If you already an Ansense member, just login with your adsense e-mail and password (figure 1.2). figure 1.2 If you are not an Adsense member yet, create an account now. You are just a few clicks away! (figure 1.3). figure 1.3 After you successfully login with your Adsense account (the approval process might take up 24 hours, be patient ... it will be worth for the wait), you will see something like below. (figure 1.4). Select your theme, ads layout and save the template (my favor is 468x60 Banner, proven the most efficient format)! figure 1.4 Now `Republish` yo
A d s e n s e Strategy: Put Ads Below I m a g e How Adsense pay you? Google Adsense is nothing but all about making user click on your ads to get you pay. Before going further, let me introduce a few terminology. ` C l i c k T h r o u g h t R a t e `( CTR ) is the important factor on how your ` P a y - P e r - C l i c k `( PPC ) were calculate in the 1st place. Every ad. will have its own ` Co st -P er -C li ck `( CPC ) which determined by the advertiser, the higher the pay is the more you get from each click on that ad. But it wasn't so simple, content relevant will give you impact on your actual earning/PPC. Why? look at the formula you will get the idea! Here's the formula: P P C = I * C T R * C P C Notice that in the formula, we have a new unknown ` Im pr es si on `( I ) . if you notice it in your Adsense report, i was actually equivalent to `visitor counter`. As everytime visitor come to your site, the counter will increase by 1. Now, if 1000 visitors came to you
How to turn your "website" into a "revenue generator" (Part 2) Affiliate Boot Camp Affiliate Marketing = Home Business In our last post, we've been spending the whole page talking about this "Affiliate Marketing", Well actually what is it anyway? Before we go into that, can you recall the ".NET Bubble" that once went so popular? Yes it is actually some form of it too, but what is happening now is it's changing form into another popular topic people talking about now - the "Pay-per-Click(PPC)" model. It had changed marketing so much easier than ever, never before in history you can sell product to thousands of new customer in seconds. Never to mention that you don't even have to look for them; now they come to look for you when they need your goods. You might think :"What hack does that got doing with me, I don't even have my product?" In the matter of fact, you don't need any product of your own to make mo
Proven Adsense Equation There are many factors that impact the level of revenue generated from a blog using the Google Adsense program. Books have been written explaining expert strategies for Adsense - However for the purposes of this series we’ve boiled it all down into four elements that we believe impact your Adsense earning capacity the most. Speaking in general terms here is a simple equation that illustrates how the factors each contribute to Adsense Revenue. Adsense Revenue = Traffic Levels + High Paying Ads + Relevant Ads + Optimally Positioned and Designed Ads Its not Rocket Science. Each of the above four elements contribute directly to the total revenue that your Adsense Ads will produce. Don’t just work on one of them though because if any one is weak it will hold your potential earnings back. Lets break each factor down…. Traffic Levels - The more people that see you Adsense Ads, the more likelihood there is that someone will click on them. As I examine the statis