How to turn your "website" into a "revenue generator" (Part 2)

Affiliate Boot Camp

Affiliate Marketing = Home Business
In our last post, we've been spending the whole page talking about this "Affiliate Marketing", Well actually what is it anyway?

Before we go into that, can you recall the ".NET Bubble" that once went so popular? Yes it is actually some form of it too, but what is happening now is it's changing form into another popular topic people talking about now - the "Pay-per-Click(PPC)" model.
It had changed marketing so much easier than ever, never before in history you can sell product to thousands of new customer in seconds. Never to mention that you don't even have to look for them; now they come to look for you when they need your goods.

You might think :"What hack does that got doing with me, I don't even have my product?" In the matter of fact, you don't need any product of your own to make money!
How does it works? I've come here to tell you that's people out there willing to pay you steady monthly income, as long as you able to make people click on the advertisements on your site(s).

Kick Start
(1) Google Adsense
The best program that I can promote for "pay-per-Click" service is "Google Adsense", get a free account here. You will only be approve or reject after 2-3 days!

Before you go on and apply for it, prepare your self a simple web site first, if you not yet have a hosting you can find a free hosting plan here. After Google approved your application, they will send you a mail.

Simply copy the advertisement code segment from your Google Adsense into your web page, and here it goes! Sit tight and earn extra $$$ even without your notice!
Sample of adsense:

(2) Clicksor

Google Adsense could be a little straight some times, and any mistake you made which against the policy they will ban you immediately! There is a alternate choice for this, which is the "Clicksor" program! Clicksor have a very relevant advertisement program and great higher commission too.
Get a membership at Clicksor here!

Below is some of the clicksor examples:
- Clicksor will automatically search for relevant ads for each of your web page.

-Bleach Portal has been earning fairly USD $1311 (monthly) by the time I was writing this!

Now I think I'll stop for this discussion for now, good luck on trying!

[Note: next post - detail adsense tricks, other profitable program ... ]

* Some advertiser do not allow you to have multiple associate advertisement for a single site, this is very important because this may lead you to be banned!

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